This category contains information about using the software to create, edit, and file the EDGAR 13F forms (Form 13F-HR and 13F-NT).
Creating a 13F Filing
Using the software, you can create the 13F information table required for a 13F filing and the submission data for the 13F-HR or 13F-NT EDGAR form as one document. By presenting both the form data and the information table in one place, it will be e...
Creating a filing using the Form 13F-HR Assistant
The Form Assistants are useful tools that guide you through the process of creating a particular EDGAR form. When you add a software launcher to your Dashboard, any Form Assistants that are available for that software will also have buttons added to...
Creating a filing using the Form 13F-NT Assistant
The Form Assistants are useful tools that guide you through the process of creating a particular EDGAR form. When you add a software launcher to your Dashboard, any Form Assistants that are available for that software will also have buttons added to...
Importing an Information Table from a file
The 13F software contains a set of functions to import data from an external file into a Form 13F-HR submission. Most frequently, these tools will be used to import data into the information table of the 13F-HR submission. However, depending on the ...