Popular Articles

  1. Checking the Status of Your EDGAR Filings

    After submitting a filing to EDGAR, you will want to check the status of the filing to see if the filing was accepted or suspended. Checking the status of a filing is simple but you should be aware that, depending on the volume of filings being proc...
  2. Hiding Sensitive Information

    You may find that you would like to obscure sensitive EDGAR information when accessing your libraries of EDGAR data or your EDGAR settings. You can use your User Preferences to hide EDGAR CCC information wherever it appears while you work on-line. Y...
  3. Per-Filing Costs By EDGAR Form Type

    Different EDGAR forms are priced based on the complexity and periodicity of the form. The table below lists all EDGAR forms that can be filed on alphabetically with the cost of each when a LIVE submission of that form type is accepted by EDGAR. Ame...
  4. Validating Your Filing

    Before you submit a filing to EDGAR, it is recommended that the Validate function is used to check the filing for errors. The SEC has specific guidelines for how documents should be formed and what sort of information they must include. LIVE filings...
  5. Troubleshoot: The software gives an error about missing files

    If the Launcher attempts to open the software, and you receive an error about missing files, a problem occurred during the installation of the software. This error is unlikely to occur, but has tools to repair an installation of the software on you...
  6. Resetting Your Password

    If you have forgotten or lost your password, there is a Password Reset process that you can use to change your old password to a new password. To Reset a Password: Click on the Forgot Password? link located beneath the Passwor...
  7. Showing Sensitive Information

    You may find that you would like to show certain information when accessing your libraries of EDGAR data or your EDGAR settings. You can use your User Preferences to show EDGAR CCC information wherever it appears while you work on-line. You can also...
  8. Supported Browsers

    There are certain web browsers that are too far out of date or that are not supported by their original developers, which are not compatible with the tools and functions available on . If you find that a tool doesn’t appear to be functional or that ...
  9. What Is Pay As You Go?

    The Pay As You Go payment method means you only pay when one of your LIVE filings is accepted by EDGAR. When you pay as you go, you will be charged a set rate for each of your LIVE filings that is accepted by EDGAR. Using this payment method re...
  10. Troubleshoot: After downloading the Launcher, the software doesn't open

    If you encounter an issue where the software won’t open even though you have downloaded and properly installed the Launcher application, there are some steps you can try. This article addresses those issues that do not display an error message or do...
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