Tagging Cover Page Facts

There are a number of data points on the cover page of an 8-K that must be tagged in order to comply with the requirements listed in the EDGAR Filer Manual for submissions that contain Inline XBRL. Generally, when you use the XDX Setup Wizard to set the taxonomy for the document, you will also use the wizard to automatically tag all of the cover page facts as well.

Because the wizard analyzes the contents of the document to determine the location of your XBRL facts, it can sometimes miss data depending on the structure of your HTML document. HTML documents converted in the software will rarely require manual adjustments to be made whereas HTML generated by other applications may require some additional work. It is also the case that, if you failed to automatically tag the cover page facts when you run the wizard by unchecking the applicable option, you will need to manually tag the cover page facts.

The Inline Fact tagging tool will be used to tag all of the cover page facts. 

To tag the cover page:

  1. Use the mouse or keyboard to select the fact data you are disclosing.
  2. Click XDX Markup > Inline Fact.

  3. Set the element for the fact. If you are unsure of the element you need to use, download our free Cover Page Fact Sheet, which has information about all the facts required by the EDGAR Filer Manual.
  4. Click Next.

  5. Set the context information for the fact. This will be a duration context that ends on the date of the report. You can use a single day as the start and end date for the context for an 8-K or you can use the day before the date of the report as a starting date.
  6. Click Next.

  7. Enter any footnote reference information for the fact. Generally, there are no footnotes for the cover page facts.
  8. Click Finish.

This process can be used for all of the cover page facts. If you are reporting multiple securities or multiple exchanges, see [] for information on how to structure your contexts for each security.

The information contained in this knowledge base is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.