The document for a 12b-25 extension is an HTML file with specific information on it that is mandated by the SEC. Because the information required in the document is specific, we have provided our customers with a special template to use to create the document. This template is an HTML document. However, when it is opened in the GoFiler Online software, it can be edited as though it was a simple form.
Use the following steps to create and edit your 12b-25 document.
- Open the EDGAR HTML Forms software using the software launcher. This is the only software launcher that will allow you to create a 12b-25 extension document using the 12b-25 HTML form template.
- Click File > New > HTML File With Template. (Note that if you use the New dialog instead of the New menu, you would select the EDGAR HTML using Form Template (HTM) option from the dialog.)
- Select “Rule 12b-25 (Form)” from the Form Template box.
- Press OK to create a new file.
In the form template, fields that require user input have a blue background. Some of these fields, such as those that represent checkboxes for the filing type to which the notification applies, will only allow the user to select one answer. So, for example, you would check the field next to “Form 10-K” if the document applies to an NT 10-K filing.
To save the document, use the Save or Save As function. Once the document is saved, you can attach it to your submission to file it to EDGAR.
Helpful Hints:
- The instructions available at the bottom of the document will appear when you are editing the document as a form template within the software. However, these instructions are not saved in the data of your HTML document so they will not appear when viewing the document outside of the software (such as in a browser or PDF proof). Likewise, the instructions are not filed to EDGAR.
- The document will be saved automatically with the .htm extension.
- Some fields in the template, such as the narrative, can hold more data than the visual size of the field on the screen. When entering data into these fields, the field will scroll. Simply enter the data as necessary. In the proof and in the final HTML, all of the data will be visible without scrolling.
- If the form template is not exactly what you require, you can also create this document using a plain text or HTML template. These templates are available from the New menu or New dialog.