What You Need To Know About Inline XBRL
Inline XBRL combines XBRL financial information with an HTML document. Each XBRL fact is marked using a tag specific to Inline XBRL with information about the element, context, and other properties (such as precision) for the fact. The HTML document...
Creating an 8-K Filing
Using the software, you can create a project file for an 8-K or 8-K/A EDGAR submission. The project file contains the EDGAR Submission Information and also acts as the container for the primary document and any exhibits that must be attached to the ...
Setting the Taxonomy for a Document
To create Inline XBRL, you must first set a taxonomy for your HTML document. This is accomplished through the XDX Setup Wizard. The XDX Setup Wizard sets namespace, taxonomy, and unit information for an HTML document and also can be used to perform...
Tagging Cover Page Facts
There are a number of data points on the cover page of an 8-K that must be tagged in order to comply with the requirements listed in the EDGAR Filer Manual for submissions that contain Inline XBRL. Generally, when you use the XDX Setup Wizard to s...
Tagging Facts That Have No Corresponding Text Visible on the Cover Page
There may be instances where you have fact data that you must disclose that does not have corresponding visible text on the cover page. This article covers different instances where fact data may not be visible. Keep in mind that almost all of the f...
Adding Documents with Inline XBRL to a Project
After tagging a document with XDX and using the Create iXBRL function to create a document with inline XBRL tagging, you are ready to add it to your submission project. If you used one of the Form Assistants to state your project, then the HTML docu...