Filing to EDGAR

This category contains information about filing to EDGAR and checking the status of your EDGAR filings.

12b-25 Extensions

This category contains information about how to file 12b-25 filing extensions (for example, Form NT 10-Q or NT-NCEN).

13F Forms

This category contains information about using the software to create, edit, and file the EDGAR 13F forms (Form 13F-HR and 13F-NT).

Form ATS-N

This category contains information about how to file Form ATS-N and its derivative forms.

Form D

This category contains information about using the software to create, edit, and file EDGAR Form D.

Form N-MFP2

This category contains information about using the software to create, edit, and file EDGAR Form N-MFP2 and Form N-MFP1/A.

Section 16

This category contains information about using the software to create, edit and file the Section 16 EDGAR forms (Forms 3, 4, and 5).

Transfer Agent Forms

This category contains information about using the software to create, edit, and file the EDGAR Transfer Agent forms (Form TA-1, TA-2, and TA-W).


Launching the Software
You can launch the software using the quick launcher buttons that appear on your Dashboard. Your Dashboard can be customized to add icons for the software you require . When you add a software launcher to the Dashboard, the launcher will appear in ...
Editing EDGAR Form Data
The tools for editing EDGAR form data are very simple to use. The majority of EDGAR forms (which typically consist of item numbers, questions and instructions) cannot be edited. The editable areas on the form (data fields or fields) are typically de...
Changing a Submission's EDGAR Form Type
For EDGAR forms that belong to the same technical specification or family, you can change between EDGAR form types without creating a new submission. For example, you can change a Form 4 submission to a Form 5 submission (both being Section 16 forms...
Attaching an Exhibit to Your Filing
If your EDGAR filing requires an exhibit attachment, you can add any file from your local computer or network or from your Virtual File Cloud (VFC) to your submission. Depending on the file type, you may be able to view or edit the file within the s...
Creating a Proof
You can create proofs of your EDGAR filing or of a single document in your filing using the Print PDF function. This function creates a PDF document from your filing or document. If you print a PDF proof of a submission or project file, all of the d...
Validating Your Filing
Before you submit a filing to EDGAR, it is recommended that the Validate function is used to check the filing for errors. The SEC has specific guidelines for how documents should be formed and what sort of information they must include. LIVE filings...
Submitting a TEST Filing
Though the EDGAR forms that can be submitted via the software vary in size and scope, the process for submitting them all is the same. It is highly recommended that you perform a TEST filing prior to any LIVE filings. This will help ensure that your...
Submitting a LIVE Filing
Though the EDGAR forms that can be submitted via the software vary in size and scope, the process for submitting them all is the same. It is highly recommended that you perform a TEST filing prior to any LIVE filings. This will help ensure that your...
Checking the Status of Your EDGAR Filings
After submitting a filing to EDGAR, you will want to check the status of the filing to see if the filing was accepted or suspended. Checking the status of a filing is simple but you should be aware that, depending on the volume of filings being proc...
Creating a New Project
EDGAR submissions are stored in project files. The project file contains the EDGAR form data and references to any files that have been attached to the submission. Project files must be created inside the software. Currently, you cannot create new p...
The information contained in this knowledge base is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.