Setting Default Submission Information

Within the Preferences on the portal, you can set default submission information. The default submission information is automatically added to the Filer Information and Notifications pages of your submission or project whenever you create a new project. If you perform filings for a single company and the contact information for that company is the same for each filing, you can use the preferences to eliminate repetitive data entry each time you make a new filing.

To set default submission information:

  1. Click on the Preferences link in the left navigation menu of the GoFiler Online portal.
  2. Click the Edit EDGAR Settings button at the bottom of the EDGAR Settings area.
  3. Add your data to the Default Submission Information area. You can set the other options in the EDGAR Settings as well. The options in the Default Project and Workflow Control Information area contain data that can be used to help identify your projects. The Web Settings area contains options to hide or show information when you are using the web portal.
  4. Click the Update button.

You can change these options at any time. If any software is open at the time, changing these settings will not update any open project. However, the next project you create will contain the new default information.

Helpful Hints:

  • Changing your EDGAR preferences will not update any projects or submissions you have already created and saved to your Virtual File Cloud.
  • The Default Submission information will be filed to EDGAR. The Project and Workflow Control settings will not be filed to EDGAR.

The information contained in this knowledge base is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.