Checking the Status of Your EDGAR Filings

After submitting a filing to EDGAR, you will want to check the status of the filing to see if the filing was accepted or suspended. Checking the status of a filing is simple but you should be aware that, depending on the volume of filings being processed by EDGAR, it may take a few minutes to retrieve your filing status.

GoFiler Online will automatically check the status of your filings for you. GoFiler Online is always checking the status of filings so you do not need to worry about submitting requests for filing statuses.

To check the status of the filing:

  1. Click on the Home link located in the left navigation bar.

  2. Locate the Recent Filings area. You can find a particular filing by looking for its accession number.

  3. The Status column displays the status for the filing. This column will show whether it was a LIVE or TEST filing and whether EDGAR accepted or suspended the filing.

  4. If your filing status does not show whether the filing was accepted or suspended, wait for GoFiler Online to poll the EDGAR System and see if the status updates. If the status does not update within ten minutes, you may wish to contact customer support. This may indicate a problem with the filing, with GoFiler Online, or with the EDGAR System, and customer support will be able to instruct you further.

Helpful Hints:

  • GoFiler Online polls the EDGAR System every minute for status updates. Trying to refresh the page will not update your filing status faster.
  • If you don’t know the accession number of your filing, look in the filing log that was created when you used the File function in Go16 Online. The log of the filing will contain the accession number and other information about the filing.
  • You can receive EDGAR filing status messages only when the EDGAR System is operational. If the EDGAR System is closed due to a federal holiday, or it is outside the regular operating hours of the EDGAR System, GoFiler Online will not poll the EDGAR System for new status messages.
  • Clicking on a row in the Recent Filings area of the Home page will open a copy of the accession notice generated by EDGAR for that filing. These notices contain additional information about the status of the filing, including reasons why a filing was suspended.

The information contained in this knowledge base is provided for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.